Technology overview
St Albans Meadows Primary School provides the community with a safe, supportive and caring eLearning environment, through the use of ICT.
The school aims for an environment where the use of information, communication and technology is regarded as an integral part of our everyday practices and administration management. It acknowledges the potential of eLearning to impact on learning outcomes for all students and the work habits of all staff.
St Albans Meadows Primary School currently operates an Apple OSX system. The school has an extensive wireless system to allow for the use of ICT beyond the classroom walls. The school has either Interactive Whiteboards or LCD T.V. screens in every classroom to assist in the provision of ICT across the school.
The school encourages students and staff to assume greater awareness and responsibility for their own learning, in forums that develop their:
Skills to become active and independent learners with their immediate community and global network
Abilities to communicate, collaborate, plan, analyse and solve problems
At St Albans Meadows Primary School, eLearning is seen as a core curriculum tool, used daily in the development of the curriculum. The utilisation of eLearning through an integrated approach allows for broad skill development and increased eLearning opportunities for both staff and students. St Albans Meadows Primary School continues to place ICT as a high priority and allocates funds accordingly.
1:1 iPads at SAMPS
St Albans Meadows has a long and proud history of implementing 1:1 Learning at the heart of our approach to technology integration. Our school began its first 1:1 program in 2007, making it one of the first Victorian Government Schools to do so. We are also one of the few schools to achieve a 100% uptake in the 1:1 program every year since 2007.
Today we are proud to offer a 1:1 iPad program for students in Grades 5 and 6. This is a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) program which gives students greater ownership and application of the technology used in their learning.
As well as our 1:1 iPad program, we currently have a 1:2 Macbook program for students in Grades 2, 3 and 4. The remaining classes have access to iPad Minis that are used to further support teaching and learning on a daily basis.